For the 2024 RHS Chelsea Flower Show, Llevelo were appointed by children’s charity, Panathlon, to develop a concept and design a garden for the show that could later be transplanted to the Majorie McClure SEND school in Bromley, south-east London.

About the Charity:
Panathlon are a UK based, national charity that hosts competitive sporting events for children with disabilities and special education needs (SEND). In 2023, over 62,000 children attended a Panathlon event. The work they do is simply remarkable. Panathlon help children gain confidence, and self belief; they make them feel part of something and included, sometimes for the first time in their lives.
Lead designer, Penelope Walker, wanted to ensure that the garden had a positive and uplifting focus. The aim of the show garden was to raise maximum awareness of Panathlon. The message of the garden by which the team hoped to deliver on this was: Joy is for everyone and all children should have the chance to enjoy life.
The Panathlon Joy Garden was incredibly well received at the show and was awarded a prestigious Silver Gilt Medal. Penelope and the team were incredibly proud of the achievement for their first show garden.
Because Joy is for everyone and all children deserve the chance to enjoy life

What Makes a Garden feel Joyful?
As part of the concept phase, Penelope recognised that ‘joy’ is a subjective and intangible emotion. So the question become; how do we design a garden which promotes feelings of joy to the ten of thousands of visitors to the show?
During the research, it became apparent that there are some common themes in terms of what makes people feel joy. These included unusual and fun features, elements of surprise and the unexpected, creating a sense of abundance, ensuring the garden felt light and airy, features that are playful or whimsical and magic.
Focal Points:
Trees: Planatus x hispanica ‘Malburg’ ‘SWING’ trees – fun and curvy and still utterly brilliant. Included to demonstrate the importance of normalising difference.
Mounds: Allow all users to be fully immersed in the garden
Colour: An abundance of planting in various colours and shapes will help give an uplifting look and feel to the garden.
A huge thanks to our sponsors; Project Giving Back who are a unique grant-giving charity that funds gardens for good causes at RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Additional thanks also to our contractors, Stewart Landscape Construction Ltd.